Friday, August 15, 2014

All our bags are packed and we're ready to go… 

Today is the day we finally depart for our journey across the world! We will head out of O'hare International Airport today for Paris! After two days in Paris, we will depart for Ouagadougou Bukina Faso where we will meet Hassimi and the ambulance! This day has been on everyone's minds for the past few months and we are just so excited it has finally arrived. 

I know many people have been concerned about the Ebola outbreak happening in Western Africa, but as of today it continues to not be a threat in the places we will be traveling to. That being said, we are educated and aware of the virus and will proceed cautiously into Africa! 

Please wish us safe travels and a beautiful trip! I will try to update the blog as much as I can each day, but WIFI will be very limited. 

As always, endless thank yous to the people who have supported and rooted for us throughout this journey. 

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