Tuesday, June 24, 2014


We have finally shipped the ambulance AND all of the supplies! It has been an adventure and struggle to get to this point, and on behalf of everyone traveling we'd like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to our cause. 

The total box count was 120. 120 boxes is over double our original goal of fifty boxes. None of that could have been possible without the countless donations and generosity from friends, family, and community members. 

Whether it was emotional or financial support, without the help of many many people we could not make this dream a reality. Now we just have to make sure everything makes it into Ghana safely! 

One really cool perk that comes with the company shipping the ambulance is that we can actually track it from day to day to see where it is! You can too if you click on the link below! 


Have a great day, and one more THANK YOU !! 

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