Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Food for Thought

Thanks to our fellow traveler Angie, we have some great journal questions to think about while we're getting ready to leave and while we're in Ecuador.  Here are some of the things we'll be thinking about!

Ecuador Journal Questions—January 2012

Ongoing Questions:

What images remain with you today?

What did you see, smell, taste, hear and feel that you are grateful for today?

What challenges did you experience today?

How are you different as a result of this day?

What are you resolved to “BE” and “DO” differently?

What have been life-changing experiences on this journey?

Pre-Departure Questions:

What are you excited about as you prepare for Ecuador?

What are you scared about as you prepare for Ecuador?

Day 1 (Jan. 2):

You have arrived!  What have you seen today that you have never seen before?  What are your thoughts and/or feelings about it?

Day 2 (Jan. 3):

You have been to the middle of the world today.  What was that like for you?

A museum dedicated to “celebrating the equator.”  You saw an egg balance on the head of a nail.  Name three things you want to celebrate today.
Day 3 (Jan. 4):

Today you saw the faces of some of the children of Ecuador.  Describe the orphanage, the project work, as well as include how you felt about encountering the children, their living environment and your interactions.  (Be specific.)

Dance is an expression of culture and traditions.  Describe what you saw and heard this evening.  What does it compare to in the USA?

Day 4 (Jan. 5):

Centro Hisórtico.  City centers are filled with architecture, street names, stores, and so much more.  How is Centro Histórico de Quito the same as your hometown?  How is it different?

Day 5 (Jan. 6):

You took a canoe ride down the Amazon to the rainforest.  What was it like from your seat in the canoe today?  Describe your conversation with your canoe-mates.  Describe something you learned about your travel partners today.
Day 6 (Jan. 7):

A day in the rainforest.  Write about a new self-discovery today.  Include some of the new sights and sounds of the day.

Day 7(Jan. 8):

Planes, trains and automobiles!  What modes of transportation have you experienced today?  Which is your preference?  Describe some of your new travel experiences.

Day 8 (Jan. 9):

R and R.  What’s not to love!  What city in the USA does Canoa resemble?  Describe the beach and its activities.  What does relaxation teach us?

Day 9 (Jan. 10):

What did you learn about sustainability, agro-ecology and permaculture?  What contribution(s) are you willing to make to sustainability, agro-ecology and permaculture back home?  How will you do it?  (Write down your plan.)

Day 10 (Jan. 11):

Chores.  Thought you got of those for a week!  Describe the work ethic you witnessed at Rio Muchacho.  How does it challenge the way you work in the world?

Day 11 (Jan. 12):

Our spirituality impacts the way we live, move and have our beings in the world.  How are your “spirits” as this day comes to a close?  Describe the shamanic demonstration.  How is it an expression of spirituality?

Day 12 (Jan. 13):

Life skills.  What skills have you developed during this Ecuadorian journey?  Which life skills from the A Ganar program might help you in your personal growth and development?  In your communal growth and development?

Day 13 (Jan. 14):

A walk in the clouds.  What does “a cloud forest community” mean?  What activities did you take advantage of this morning?

Shop ‘til you drop.  Describe Mercado Artesanal in Quito.  How do Ecuadorian crafts compare to crafts in the USA?  Who did you shop for?  How did you make your selections?

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